℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
Clontech/SMART-Seq v4 full-length transcriptome analysis with ultimate sensitivity for ultra-low RNA inputs/48 Rxns/R400752
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产品分类: 蛋白类>多肽>多肽合成>
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品      牌: Clontech
公      司:Clontech
Clontech/SMART-Seq v4 full-length transcriptome analysis with ultimate sensitivity for ultra-low RNA inputs/48 Rxns/R400752


The SMART-Seq v4 Kit (SSv4) and the SMART-Seq v4 PLUS Kit (SSv4 PLUS) are the fourth generation of our SMARTer ultra-low solutions and our most sensitive kits for ultra-low inputs. These kits use oligo(dT) priming to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from multiple intact cells (up to 1,000 cells) or 10 pg–10 ng of total RNA.

The SMART-Seq v4 Kit (SSv4) and the SMART-Seq v4 PLUS Kit (SSv4 PLUS) are the fourth generation of our SMARTer ultra-low solutions and our most sensitive kits for ultra-low inputs. These kits use oligo(dT) priming to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from multiple intact cells (up to 1,000 cells) or 10 pg–10 ng of total RNA. In addition to the cDNA synthesis kit, the SSv4 PLUS kit also includes a library preparation kit and a single-use unique dual index (UDI) plate to generate Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries, making it a complete end-to-end solution.

The SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5" End of RNA Template) technology powering the cDNA synthesis technology employed by the SMART-Seq v4 kit provides full-length transcript information, enabling analysis of transcript isoforms, gene fusions, point mutations, etc. Additionally, SSv4 takes this technology to the next level by improving upon the Smartseq2 method and incorporating locked nucleic acid (LNA) technology in the SMART-Seq v4 Oligo for more efficient template switching. This allows for the identification of higher numbers of genes relative to other methods. The cDNA kits provide high reproducibility, even gene-body coverage, and an accurate representation of GC-rich transcripts.

The SSv4 PLUS kit includes our patented library preparation kit that incorporates enzymatic fragmentation and stem-loop adapters to construct high-quality, Illumina-compatible libraries from the cDNA synthesized with the core kit. This two-step workflow takes place in a single tube and can be completed in about two hours with no intermediate purification steps necessary—minimizing sample mix-up, sample loss, and cross-contamination. The high library yield generated from this kit provides the flexibility to sequence on high-throughput sequencers while providing high reproducibility.

If you are interested in these benefits but are working with intact, high-quality single cells, we recommend our SMART-Seq Single Cell PLUS Kit.

If you prefer a random priming approach that will allow you to work with degraded samples and also includes library preparation and indexing reagents, we recommend our SMART-Seq Stranded Kit.

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